
Minhag (Customs)

Sha’are Shalom is a Conservative congregation that observes traditional customs. Shabbat is a special day within our community, designed for rest, reflection and prayer. 

Our congregation does not permit the use of cell phones, cameras, video recorders, or any other electronic devices in the building on Fridays and Saturdays (Shabbat - the Sabbath) and Holy Days. We ask these devices be placed in the silent mode or off position while in the building. We understand that it can be uncomfortable to be disconnected, and we thank you for your understanding and respect of these customs. We also ask that you refrain from smoking on synagogue premises, as it is forbidden during Shabbat. 

It is customary for all males to wear a kippah (head covering) while in the synagogue. Special kippot for specific events, such as a bar or bat mitzvah, may be available at the entrance for you to use and keep. Wearing a kippah is not a symbol of religious identification, but rather an act of respect, as a symbolic gesture of the separation between man and God. Women may wear a head covering if they choose, however a head covering is required for all women who will be participating in services on the bimah (the raised platform at the front of the sanctuary). 

Jewish men (and women if they wish) wear a prayer shawl during Saturday morning services. The fringes and knots on the tallit represent the 613 commandments of the Torah.