Adult Education
Weekly Torah Study on Wednesday evenings and featured classes throughout the year.
Classes are open to the greater community.
Registration is not required for featured classes, but will give us an idea of how many to expect.
Questions? Contact Patty Goldblatt, Adult Education Chair
Weekly Torah Study
Wednesday Evenings 8:00pm
Sha'are Shalom's weekly Torah study meets every week with the exception of Jewish holidays.
In Judaism, Torah study is actually a mitzvah. We have a life-long obligation to consider how our sacred texts relate to our lives, our relationships. our obligations, our families, our civic duties, and nearly every other essential aspect of our existence. One of the most important ways we can do this is to spend some time with the text that will be read in communal worship that week. A reason the Torah has continued to be significant for us is that it offers unlimited opportunities for interpretation and discussion.
Our weekly study session will begin with a review of the parshah (section of the first five books that will be read on Shabbat) with general discussion encouraged, but limited. Following this, the leader will guide a focused consideration of a part of the parshah of particular interest. Participants will be encouraged (but in no way requied) to actively contribute to the discussion. No background of any kind is needed, and the leader will have the responsibility to explain topics, words, and concepts as necessary. No question will be too basic.
The selection of the parshah will follow the Conservative movements triennial pattern. It will be helpful if participants have access to a good English translation of the Torah for this to work. Online resources are perfectly acceptable. The leader will use the Jewish Publication Society's translation from the Etz Hayim Chumash. (A Chumash includes the Hebrew text of the Torah separated into its 54 constituent weekly Torah portions, together with the haftarah for each
Sponsor a Session
We will continue to offer sponsorship opportunities to honor those significant in our lives. Sponsorships help us bring these high-quality programs to you and bring to the holy activity of Torah study the goodwill of those we care about and the blessings that we have experienced in our lives. We are offering sponsorships for $36 for one class and $72 for three (such a deal!). Support will be publicized and will be acknowledged at the beginning of each class. Each class may be supported by more than one sponsor to honor multiple blessings in our lives!